OCTA survey: Inflation still Filipinos’ most urgent concern

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A majority of adult Filipinos believed that inflation remained their most urgent national concern, according to a recent OCTA Research survey.

The most recent Tugon ng Masa survey showed that of the 1,200 adult Filipino respondents,  65% saw controlling the increase in basic commodity prices as an urgent concern.

This was followed by the concern over affordable food (40%), an increase in wages (33%), reducing poverty (33%), and free quality education (28%).

“A higher percentage of adult Filipinos in Mindanao (71%) consider controlling the increase in prices of basic goods and services as an urgent national concern,” OCTA research said.

“In comparison, 51% of adult Filipinos in Visayas expressed more significant concern about access to affordable food than in other major areas.”

The non-commissioned survey was taken using face-to-face interviews from June 26 to July 1, 2024.

OCTA Research also noted that the results of the latest survey did not differ much from the poll taken in March (66%) and June (65%).

The poll showed that promoting peace and order in the country was the issue Filipinos were least concerned about.

The same survey also identified the respondents’ top three urgent personal concerns.

Leading the list was staying healthy at 71%, followed by having enough to eat every day at 57%, and finishing school or providing education to their children at 44%.

OCTA Research said the survey had a  ±3% margin of error at a 95% confidence level. Subnational estimates for the geographic areas covered in the survey have the following margins of error at a 95% confidence level: ±6% for Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. — DVM, GMA Integrated News

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