Travelling alone is fine, but it’s twice the fun if you have your #TravelBuddy

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Never stop exploring. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but one of the most common excuses that I always hear from people who want to travel is they have no one to travel with, they need companion, contradict for some who believe that if you keep waiting for someone to travel with you maybe you will wait for a lifetime, why not travel solo? 

So, I will give points on both sides. Traveling alone gives us freedom but traveling with someone created a bunch of memories. What is really better? Traveling alone or traveling with someone? Let’s discuss it. 

Traveling alone may change your life. Traveling by yourself means not being able to rely on anyone else to get the most out of your trips. Though it can be a daunting and scary experience for you especially if it is your first time, but on the other hand, it can also be enriching moments for you to grow and learn. So, this is the five benefits of traveling alone or traveling solo. 

1. You have the freedom to see and do what you want.

It’s almost impossible to find a perfect travel companion. We all have our own differences. Traveling alone gives you the freedom, freedom to eat what you want, to go to the place that you plan, to see and do what you wish for. Unlike when you travel with someone, there’s always a person that you should keep in mind wherever you go. Compromise in decision making, though their wants and ideas may not always be the same as yours. 

But, when you are traveling solo, you are literally free to roam the world without any restrictions from someone else, without thinking anybody. No discussions, no consultations, you completely control your trip.  

2. You may learn how to solve problems on your own. 

Contrary to popular belief, traveling isn’t always about thrills, breathtaking destinations, and fun experiences. Traveling is a learning curve, and traveling alone is a pretty steep learning curve. As you to travel solo, most of the times, you need to solve problems with your own, and there are moments that you need to make decisions on the spot. But on the other hand, it’s a great opportunity for you to learn, to be independent, to build your confidence and to prove to yourself that everything you made is all your own. 

3. You get to develop a lot of friendships. 

Traveling solo is generally will make you sociable.  Meeting other travelers and meeting the locals of the places you visit is an opportunity for you to develop more friendships. I mean, there’s always a colorful world need to be witnessed and amazing life stories need to be heard because traveling alone is like working on the number of intense relationships to get to know one person, deeply. 

4. You can explore all the possibilities.

It’s like you can enjoy all the memories with no worries. Since, life is full of awesome possibilities, traveling alone will expose you to all kinds of surprises. An incredible, eye-opening, and exciting experience that is far better than being restricted by someone. Exploring those astounding possibilities will teach you more lessons and things in life that can be thought by somebody. Remember, as you travel always believe in the impossible. 

5. You’ll grow as a person. 

A wise man said that when you’re traveling alone, you are what you are right there and then. People don’t have the past against you. No yesterdays on the road. Yes, solo travelers understand fully and deeply themselves as they travel. Having solo adventures will make you discover your strength and weaknesses as a person. Also, traveling alone is a great way of gaining experience in the outside and a good stepping-stone for realizations. As you are free for multitude distractions, you can give time for yourself to dig deep thoughts that may end up for knowing who really you are. Just go! Go and see the world. Whatever your choice, alone or with someone. 

On the other hand, for some, traveling solo can be lonely, that’s why most people initially travel on group trips or with their travel buddy. They believe that they need someone/companion to share the experience and memories. Traveling with someone gives a different experience than traveling with yourself. You can enjoy something richer and more fulfilling trips. And here are the five reasons why, when it comes to traveling, two is better than one.


1. You can split the expenses. 

Everything is cheaper when it is shared by two. If you have a limited travel budget, traveling with someone could be your saving grace. More economical and more affordable than traveling solo. You can share the cost and expenses as you travel. Splitting the cost for rooms and transportation is a great money saver. There are also times, that you can get discounts on group activities, tours, and excursions. It can be a win-win situation for both of you. 

2. You can help each other if you get unwell.

You can’t predict what may happen during your travel. Situations like feeling under the weather may slow you down, it is nice that you have someone that can take care of you, like picking up food, water, and even medication. One of the perks of having someone right beside you as you go on a trip. 

3. Take photos of each other. 

Wherever we go, it is our routine to take photos for memories. Highlighting those destinations and seeing yourself smiling on the camera is part of your adventure that may be hard to achieve if you travel solo. A good benefit of traveling with someone is that you can take photographs of each other. Because, would you be truly happy with photos from a terrible angle or only close-up selfies? I don’t think so? We want the most breathtaking photos that make you remember the joy of your journey. 

4. Safety is better. 

Going to places and getting loss is not as dangerous as it sounds when you have someone besides you that may back you up in times of trouble. As you travel together, you’ll gonna take care of each other. Watch over each other’s belongings, defend each other against human or animals attacks, and make sure no one will be lost. Because you are travel buddies and that is your sacred promise, though sounds cheesy. 

5. You will share experiences. 

The journey is always better when you share it with someone. There’s nothing wrong in seeing the world together. Traveling with someone will be able to you to look back and reflect on those experiences. With someone beside you, happiness is doubled as you shared those magical travel moments. Also, some of the most amazing things you could do are to travel with a companion that created memories that will last for a lifetime. 

In the end, there are no guarantees. Traveling with someone may end up that you need space, your own space. 

Both traveling alone or traveling with someone has its own benefits. This two is a sweet spot as it balances freedom from traveling solo with the sense of security and fun when traveling with someone. No one can tell what would be the best one. Whatever you prefer, it is your choice. Just always remember, it is not about the people you want to be with, it’s about your journey. It’s about creating amazing memories that you can treasure forever. Just go! Go and see the world, alone or with someone? It’s your choice. Think about it! 

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