Debunking dengue myths | The Manila Times

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As the rainy season persists, communities across the country face a surge in health concerns, with dengue fever emerging as a pressing issue.

Recent data from the Department of Health (DOH) has reported a troubling 15 percent increase in dengue cases compared to the same period last year.

This rise reminds the urgent need for vigilance and accurate information to combat this rapidly spreading mosquito-borne illness.

With no specific cure for dengue fever, the focus must remain on preventive measures.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes dengue fever as the fastest-spreading mosquito-borne illness globally. It affects approximately 400 million people each year and is prevalent in over 100 countries. This year’s increased incidence highlights the need for proactive measures and clear communication about the disease.

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Despite the growing threat, many myths and misconceptions continue to cloud public understanding of dengue. Addressing these misconceptions is crucial for effective prevention and protection. Pru Life UK (, which is stepping up to the increasing number of dengue cases with newly launched coverage packages PRUDengue MedCare and PRUDengue MedCare Pro, shares the following myths and facts with The Manila Times Health and Wellness as part of its public awareness campaign against the disease.

Myth #1: Dengue fever cannot be contracted more than once.

Fact: The dengue virus (DENV) has four distinct serotypes. Immunity from one serotype does not protect against the others, making subsequent infections possible and potentially more severe.

Myth #2: Dengue is contagious.

Fact: Dengue is transmitted through bites from infected female mosquitoes. It cannot be contracted through human contact or respiratory droplets, making mosquito control essential.

Myth #3: An infected mosquito only breeds in dirty, stagnant water.

Fact: Infected mosquitoes lay eggs in any stagnant water, whether clean or dirty. Common breeding sites include basins, pots, jars, and rain gutters. Regular maintenance is crucial to prevent mosquito infestation.

Myth #4: Dengue fever is only a risk during the rainy season.

Fact: While the rainy season can increase mosquito breeding sites, dengue fever is a risk year-round because mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide and heat.

Myth #5: The body can naturally recover from dengue fever without medical intervention.

Fact: Dengue fever usually presents as a week-long episode of severe headache, vomiting, and muscle pain. Immediate medical attention is crucial, as some individuals may require hospitalization despite initial recovery with rest and hydration.

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