The impact of accessible financing

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A BUSINESS that is a crucial resource for the community was failing. Imagine the frustration of Jomar, the owner of a small water refilling station in a densely populated barangay in Quezon City. His business provides clean drinking water to hundreds of families every day. But when his filtration system broke down — an essential component for his operation — Jomar found himself in a desperate situation. Despite the steady growth of his business and the trust he had built with his customers, Jomar had no access to the funds he urgently needed to repair or replace the filtration system. Traditional lenders turned him away because he lacked the substantial collateral and extensive paperwork they demanded. The application processes were time-consuming and complicated, and by the time he could have secured a loan, his business would have suffered irreparable damage.

Jomar’s story is all too familiar for many small business owners across the Philippines. It’s a reality that highlights the significant barriers faced by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), which make up over 99 percent of businesses in the country and generate more than 65 percent of total employment. Despite their vital role in supporting the economy and providing essential services, these businesses often find themselves excluded from traditional financial services. The existing financial system is yet to improve in terms of accommodating the needs of entrepreneurs like Jomar, who operate with limited assets and face stringent lending requirements.

Accessible financing options are crucial for MSMEs to thrive and expand. This is where innovative financial solutions like those offered by Cycle Financing Corp. (CFC) come into play. CFC taps into a unique segment of the market by providing loans to tricycle and motorcycle owners who need cash for personal or business use. This initiative not only empowers individual entrepreneurs but also positively impacts the wider economy.

When MSMEs thrive, they contribute to local economies, create jobs and drive innovation. For instance, a small food vendor who can access a loan to purchase more inventory and expand their reach further can serve more customers and increase their revenue. This, in turn, may lead to hiring additional staff, stimulating the local economy.

Given the unique needs of MSMEs in our country, it is imperative to understand the way that these businesses operate in order to address and provide tailored financial solutions catered to them. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive and prosperous future that is advantageous for all.

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Consider Joselito Rojero, a tricycle operator and the secretary of the Tricycle Operators and Drivers Association in Cabanatuan City. Joselito runs a tricycle transport service and drives himself. His tricycle is his primary tool, enabling him to earn a living and support his family as he transports passengers across the city. When he needed funds to pay his children’s tuition fees, traditional banks were not an option due to their lengthy approval processes and rigorous requirements. Instead, Joselito turned to CFC, which offered a quick and straightforward application process. With a loan secured against his tricycle, Joselito was able to cover the tuition expenses without disrupting his business operations. This financial support allowed Joselito to continue serving commuters, sustain his family’s livelihood and ensure his children could pursue their education. The benefits extend beyond Joselito’s family — as these children graduate and enter the workforce, they contribute to economic growth, creating a cycle of prosperity that benefits our society.

The impact of such financing options are profound. These are just some examples of how accessible financing can make a tangible difference in the lives of entrepreneurs and small business owners.

In addition to direct financial support, CFC’s initiatives promote financial inclusion. Many tricycle and motorcycle owners operate in the informal sector and typically lack access to traditional financial services. By offering tailored loans, CFC provides entrepreneurs the opportunity to build credit histories and gain financial literacy. This inclusion is a critical step toward sustainable economic development as it empowers individuals to participate more fully in the economy.

The broader implications of providing accessible financial solutions and improving financial inclusion in our country are evident in the overall economic landscape. As more small business owners gain access to the financing they need, we see a ripple effect of growth and wealth. Increased business activity leads to higher demand for goods and services, stimulating production and trade. Additionally, the success of MSMEs encourages further entrepreneurial ventures, fostering a dynamic and resilient economy.

However, the journey toward comprehensive financial inclusion and support for MSMEs remains long. Policymakers, financial institutions and private enterprises must continue to innovate and collaborate to bridge the gap between financial need and availability. Initiatives like those of CFC demonstrate the potential of targeted financial products to drive significant economic impact and create an ecosystem that nurtures and supports small businesses.

As MSMEs continue to drive economic growth and innovation, supporting them with the right financial tools is not just beneficial but essential for the sustained development of our economy.

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