Ways to keep the pelvis healthy and strong

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Pelvis supports the upper body weight, helps people sit, stand, walk, and run, and protects the intestines, bladder, and other organs found in the area between abdomen and legs. Yet few people realize just how crucial the pelvis is — and how important it is to take good care of it — until something goes wrong.

Exercising and maintaining ideal weight helps with keeping the pelvis strong and healthy.

Exercising and maintaining ideal weight helps with keeping the pelvis strong and healthy.

“The goal of pelvic health is to ensure your pelvic floor muscles are strong,” said Dr. Ana Melissa Cabungcal of the Department of Urology of Makati Medical Center (MakatiMed).

“When your pelvic floor muscles are strong, you can easily contract and relax them, thus allowing you to control when to release or withhold pee, poo, and gas. For women, contracting the pelvic floor muscles enhances sensation during sexual intercourse. Strong pelvic floor muscles are also essential during pregnancy because they support the weight of your growing baby inside your womb.”

Time and circumstances weaken these hardworking yet often overlooked group of muscles.

“Childbirth and surgery can affect pelvic floor muscles’ strength, as can overuse from heavy lifting, coughing, and constipation,” Cabungcal revealed. “For older women, menopause and aging cause pelvic floor muscles to lose their strength.”

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The weakening of these muscles results in incontinence — the uncontrollable peeing, pooping, or passing gas when you cough, sneeze, laugh, or lift heavy objects. Untreated incontinence could escalate to pelvic organ prolapse, or the protrusion of the uterus, rectum, or bladder in the opening of the vagina.

So how does one keep pelvic floor muscles strong and healthy for many years? The medical expert shared the following tips:

Maintain ideal weight. “Being overweight places pressure on the organs in the pelvic floor. It also increases your risk of developing incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse,” noted Cabungcal.

Regular physical activity coupled with portion control and smart food choices benefits not just the pelvis but overall health and well-being.

Do Kegels and other pelvis-friendly workouts. Pronounced “kee-gulls,” Kegels are exercises aimed at strengthening pelvic floor muscles.

“There are several whole-body Kegel exercises, but the key to knowing if you’re doing a Kegel right is if you can stop yourself from peeing midstream and passing gas at the same time, and hold them for 3 seconds before releasing,” said Cabungcal.

Apart from Kegels, yoga and lower ab exercises like bridge and wall squats, and the classic jumping jacks can also be beneficial.

Be mindful of reproductive and digestive health. Eating fiber and staying hydrated to avoid constipation and using protective measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases can also benefit the pelvic floor muscles.

“It’s also a must to avoid straining or pushing pee or poop too hard. Don’t rush – take your time in the toilet and let nature do its job,” shared Cabungcal.

For those feeling pain or discomfort in the pelvic area, it’s time to make an appointment with a doctor.

“Your healthcare specialist can address any infections with medications, offer other ways to deal with your incontinence, and recommend surgery to correct a prolapse,” Dr. Cabungcal said.

“The effects of weak pelvic floor muscles are nothing to be ashamed of. And you don’t have to live with them. Let your doctor help you,” the doctor ended.

For more information, visit www.makatimed.net.ph.

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