Marcos net satisfaction rate up 11 points in Q2 2024 — SWS

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A majority (62 percent) of Filipinos are satisfied with the performance of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., according to the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.

The President received a “good” +40 net satisfaction rating in June, up from the “moderate” +29 it got last March. 

The non-commissioned survey was conducted from June 23 to July 1 using face-to-face interviews with 1,500 adults nationwide.  

Meanwhile, 15 percent were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the Marcos administration, and 22 percent were dissatisfied.

SWS said the Marcos government’s net satisfaction rating improved in all areas nationwide, the highest being Metro Manila at +52. It s followed by Balance Luzon at +48, the Visayas at +32, and Mindanao at +25.

The SWS Governance Report Card, which rates the national government on 15 specific performance subjects, found the Marcos administration was “very good” on three subjects, “good” on five subjects, “moderate” on three subjects, “neutral” on two subjects, and “poor” on two subjects.

Particularly, it was “very good” in helping victims of disasters (+64), improving the quality of children’s education (+62), and helping the poor (+51).

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