MANILA, Philippines — Hograisers’ groups yesterday asked the Department of Agriculture (DA) to hasten the vaccination of pigs against African swine fever (ASF) to prevent further losses in the swine industry.
Nicanor Briones, president of the Agricultural Sector Alliance of the Philippines said the DA should work double time to lessen the effects of the disease on local pork production and supply.
Briones said the swine industry has lost P150 billion to ASF since 2019.
He said the decision of Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr. to launch the ASF vaccination program through the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) is commendable, but the program is moving slowly in provinces with ASF outbreaks.
Briones said the DA should implement a systematic vaccine rollout and tap as many vaccinators as possible.
He said the agency should mobilize teams composed of local government officials, cooperatives, private veterinarians, veterinary product suppliers and other volunteers.
“The DA and the Food and Drug Administration should allow the commercial use of ASF vaccine,” he said.
Meanwhile, National Federation of Hog Farmers chairman Chester Tan said that vaccination is the only way to prevent the spread of ASF and help hograisers recover from their losses.
Tan said representatives of hograisers’ associations, cooperatives and veterinary practitioners have asked Tiu Laurel to allow them to support the vaccination program against ASF.
Pork Producers Federation of the Philippines president Rolando Tambago said the DA should start the vaccination in other provinces, especially those engaged in backyard hog-raising business.
Tambago stressed the need to immediately utilize the 10,000 doses of ASF vaccine available in the country.
“At the current rate of 46 heads vaccinated per day, it would take several months to fully administer the initial doses of ASF vaccine, with many hogs already hit by the disease,” Tambago said.
He said the DA could deputize private veterinarians while BAI-accredited laboratories may be authorized to conduct hog testing prior to vaccination.
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