An inspirational message to the LCOY PH delegates

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This speech was addressed to the delegates of Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) Philippines 2024 which took place on October 26 at the National Irrigation Administration Auditorium.

AS we gather today under the inspiring theme of “Harnessing Youth Action to Humanize Just Transition in Climate, Energy, Health, Industry and Governance,” we stand on the precipice of a transformative era. The challenges posed by climate change, health crises and disparities in governance are significant, yet they also present us with unparalleled opportunities to harness our collective strength and creativity. Today, you are more than just participants; you are trailblazers, innovators and change-makers.

The author with over 500 youth leaders in another congress. PHOTO BY ANDRE GARCIA

The author with over 500 youth leaders in another congress. PHOTO BY ANDRE GARCIA

The power of youth has always been a driving force in the evolution of societies. History teaches us that movements for justice, sustainability and equality have often been ignited by passionate, courageous young people who refused to stand idly by. The energy, enthusiasm and commitment you bring to this conference epitomize the essence of our collective resolve. It is heartening to witness such a diverse group of youth leaders from across the country, united by a common passion for creating a just, sustainable future.

The climate crisis is not just an environmental issue but also a humanitarian one. It exacerbates existing inequalities, disproportionately affecting marginalized communities who contribute the least to greenhouse gas emissions yet bear the heaviest burdens. We cannot allow this injustice to persist. As youth leaders, you have the unique ability to elevate these voices and shine a light on the issues that matter most. Embrace the mantle of leadership that is upon you; let your actions resonate beyond this gathering.

In addressing climate change, we must also recognize the interconnectedness of our challenges. Our planet’s health is inextricably linked to the health of our communities. The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in our health systems and highlighted the importance of preparedness, accessibility and equity. As today’s emerging leaders, you are equipped to advocate for policies that ensure that health systems are resilient, inclusive and centered around the well-being of all individuals. Your efforts to harness technological advancements and promote innovative solutions can pave the way for a healthier future.

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In the realm of energy, the transition to renewable resources is not merely a technical challenge but a moral imperative. Youth can drive this transition by advocating for green jobs, sustainable practices and energy policies that prioritize both people and the planet. We have a unique opportunity to redefine success, not just in economic terms, but through the lens of sustainability and equity. Your voices are crucial in the discussions around energy consumption and production. You can challenge outdated systems and help build a framework that supports the planet and its inhabitants.

Governance shapes the path toward a just transition. Transparent, inclusive and participatory governance is essential for all sectors to address the complex challenges we face. You, our youth leaders, must hold decision-makers accountable and participate actively in shaping policies that govern our lives. Engage in conversations that matter. Push for representation at the decision-making tables where your futures are being defined.

Ripple effect

As we embark on this journey together, remember that your actions matter now more than ever. Each of you has the potential to be a catalyst for change. Every conversation you have, every idea you share and every initiative you launch can inspire others to join the movement. The ripple effect of your determination can transform communities and shape global dialogues.

As you participate in workshops and discussions today and tomorrow, allow yourselves to dream big. Challenge the status quo and think outside conventional boundaries. Surround yourselves with like-minded individuals who inspire and empower you. Use this conference not just as a platform to learn but as an incubator for your ideas and aspirations. Engage with each other passionately, share your visions and build networks that extend beyond this venue.

Ultimately, the journey to a just transition depends on collective action. No one can do it alone. Collaborate, support one another and leverage your diverse strengths. Understand that change is often a gradual process, and setbacks may occur; resilience is key. The world needs your fiery spirit and unwavering commitment now more than ever.

History remembers those who dare to dream and act upon those dreams. Be the heroes of your own stories, the leaders in your communities and the advocates for the planet. You have the capacity to influence policies, transform ideologies and inspire generations to come.

This conference is not just an event; it is your movement. Let it ignite the spark of action within you, and together, let us pioneer a new path toward a more just, equitable and sustainable world.

Thank you for your commitment, energy and courage. Let’s harness the collective power of youth to humanize the transition toward a better future for all of us.

The author is the founder and chief strategic advisor of the Young Environmental Forum and a director of Climate Tracker Asia Inc. He completed a climate change and development course at the University of East Anglia (UK) and an executive program on sustainability leadership at Yale University (USA). You can email at [email protected].

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