ICCP Group chairman Guillermo Luchangco, a seasoned investment banker, shared his thoughts on the success of the ICCP Group with all his guests and senior management team at the 36th anniversary celebration of one of the country’s leading investment houses at Shangri-La, Bonifacio Global City.
“When I formed the Investment and Capital Corporation of the Philippines 36 years ago, I had no inkling it would be just the start of a much wider ranging set of companies that is now known as the ICCP Group. Indeed, God and Lady Luck have been kind to me and supported me all these years to enable me to develop this agglomeration of industry standouts. And of course, I clearly did not accomplish this alone but rather, through the indispensable and active participation of the senior executives of the ICCP Group whom you see here today, as well as our stockholders and visitors who have given us both financial support and guidance. Throughout, we have been guided by the principles of quality, integrity and ethics.
“It has been truly an exciting and challenging journey, and one that has been satisfying and rewarding not only in terms of corporate success but in terms of a modest amount of nation-building as well. That is because our activities have included participation in the debt and equity financial markets, development of industrial parks and residential villages and townships, establishment of the World Trade Center exhibition facility, organization of holding companies that are invested in our projects, management of venture capital funds and a number of companies that support the foregoing activities, such as project management, property management, and so on.
“This has, in turn, led us into partnerships or business relationships with the likes of the DBS Bank of Singapore; NTT, Sojitz and SBI of Japan; Lippo Group of Indonesia; and La Roche of Switzerland.”
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