MORE than 120 attendees took part in the joint international conference of the Center of Excellence on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition (CE SAIN) and the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (Searca) to discuss issues related to sustainable agri-biodiversity and food security.
According to Searca, the Joint International Conference 2024 is the Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Intensification and Nutrition (#SAIN4) and the Third School-plus-Home Gardens cum Biodiversity Enhancement Enterprise (Shgbee3) Conference held on Nov. 19-22 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Anchored on the theme “Harnessing synergies of sustainable agriculture and biodiversity toward food and nutrition security and improved livelihoods,” Searca said the conference focused on four thematic areas such as: sustainable agricultural intensification practices; biodiversity enhancement; promotion of food and nutrition security in schools and communities; and agripreneurship and social enterprise.
More than 120 attendees take part in the CE SAIN-Searca Joint International Conference 2024 held from Nov. 19 to 22, 2024, in Siem Reap, Cambodia. SEARCA PHOTO
It said the conference featured a dynamic blend of networking such as keynote speeches, plenary sessions, parallel sessions, oral and poster presentations, and mobile workshops at agricultural technology parks, farms and biodiversity conservation areas in Angkor Wat.
Educators, researchers and students from local schools; state universities and colleges, other higher education institutions and partners from the business and private sectors; and nongovernmental organizations in Southeast Asia also joined the event.
A total of 64 paper and poster presentations from the Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the United States were featured during the conference.
Distinguished keynote speeches and conference messages were delivered by Rector Bunthan Ngo of the Royal University of Agriculture; Director Hok Lyda of CE SAIN Cambodia; Glenn Gregorio, Searca Center director; and Dexter Galban, Philippine Department of Education assistant secretary.
Gregorio said the plenary session discussions highlighted significant topics, including mainstreaming biodiversity in agriculture; promoting planet-friendly school meals; implementing school-based food and nutrition (SBFN) initiatives at national and regional levels; ensuring farmer inclusion in the SBFN programs; and encouraging youth engagement in agriculture.
Additionally, he said the conference showcased a panel discussion focused on fostering multi-stakeholder collaborations to strengthen school and community food and nutrition systems through school gardening initiatives.
Gregorio said a unique aspect of the conference was the mobile workshops that allowed participants to observe and experience the practical relevance of the topics discussed, and the research showcased in the paper and poster presentations.
Participants also visited the Hang Eco Farm, Somrong Primary School Home Grown School Feeding site, CE SAIN’s Agricultural Technology Park (ATP), the mini-ATP at the Samdech Euv High School and the Angkor Wat Biodiversity Conservation Area.
The expertise of CE SAIN is centered on “Transforming the Agri-food System” through agricultural innovation research and demonstration, extension to farmers and stakeholders, learning opportunities to students, and networking to exchange information and research findings to leverage agricultural development.
Gregorio said this aligns with Shgbee’s overall goal of improving the nutritional condition and dietary habits of school-aged children by diversifying and enabling year-round production of locally adapted vegetables through school and home gardening.
Now in its third year, Shgbee builds on the achievements of Searca’s School-plus-Home Gardens Program or S+HGP, adding new dimensions of biodiversity enhancement and enterprise, he added.
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