FILM director Darryl Yap has asked the regional trial court (RTC) of Muntinlupa to consolidate the cases that were filed against him by actor, TV host and producer Vic Sotto, over his teaser for the movie “The Rapists of Pepsi Paloma.”
The case is now being handled by the Muntinlupa RTC Branch 205.
Sotto has filed 19 counts of cyber libel against Yap before the Office of the Prosecutor (OCP) in Muntinlupa.
“By filing a complaint-affidavit … before OCP Muntinlupa pertaining to the same parties, screenshots, and subject matter in the instant case, this Honorable Court has no other recourse but to forward this case to the OCP Muntinlupa for purposes of consolidation with the criminal actions for cyber libel filed by petitioner,” Yap said in his motion for immediate consolidation.
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