Supporting your loved ones with diabetes

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People with diabetes can definitely live full lives but managing the condition becomes easier when they get the right support from their loved ones. If you have friends or family who have diabetes, you can help them in their wellness journey through simple and practical ways when they need it.

Having some knowledge handy
It’s important to educate yourself about diabetes and know its basics but not to inundate your every conversation with diabetes tips and pointers. It makes it easier for you to support your loved one when you have the basic understanding of the challenges they may face. Go with them to their appointments when they want you to. Here, you’ll know more about the needs prescribed by their doctors and if they need your help in everyday management. If you’re their person to contact in case of emergencies, having this knowledge comes in handy.

Reaching new health goals
Because each person with diabetes has different needs according to the lifestyle they lead, we have to respect their choices when it comes to how they decide on medication, monitoring, and other factors. It is important that they know and feel that they have control over their condition and how to reach their health goals.

When it comes to these health goals, most will be about incorporating changes in diet and exercise. Instead of making a fuss over what they eat, try out new, healthy food choices together. Instead of pointing out a lack of exercise, find new activities you can try to get both of you on your feet. Helping them with these health choices isn’t just about diabetes but also just about enjoying each other’s company. These become lifestyle changes that affect you both for the better.

Being a good Diabuddy
Understanding and listening to the needs of a person with diabetes is important in being a supportive friend or family member. This helps them better adjust to the new lifestyle they are shaping. Finding the right products to help them adhere to a regimen makes accomplishing diet goals even easier. A nutritional drink like Diabetasol can be a great buddy!

Diabetasol is formulated to help people with diabetes manage sugar levels by providing delicious meal replacements with proper diet and healthy lifestyle. It has Vita Digest to help control blood sugar while making one feel full longer. Flavor fatigue can be avoided because of the different flavors to enjoy: vanilla, chocolate, cappuccino, and the new creamy almond signature flavor.

Diabetasol Creamy Almond’s low-lactose formula is enriched with 28 vitamins and minerals to help boost immunity with proper diet and exercise. Just like a best buddy with a healthy lifestyle, Diabetasol nutrition solutions can help support people with diabetes in achieving their diet goals.

SHOP NOW, Diabuddy!

ASC Reference No: K0010P061324D

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