MOL Training Center gets DNV accreditation

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THE Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd. (MOL) Training Center in Cavite has become the first maritime training institute in the Philippines to receive accreditation from DNV, a leading classification society, for four key maritime training courses.

MOL said the newly accredited courses — Engine-Room Resource Management, Liquified Gas Cargo Control Room Resource Management, Oil Tanker Training, and Bridge Resource Management — align with the latest International Maritime Organization (IMO) models.

These IMO Model Courses are recognized as meeting the global standards required by the “Ship Inspection Report Program: SIRE 2.0,” a guideline established by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).

(From left) C/E Ken Ueno, adviser; MOL Training Center (Philippines) Inc.; Capt. Jesus Raul Suarez, general manager; and Takashi Shimizu, DNV principal surveyor, Technology Center Japan Energy Systems. PHOTO FROM MOL

MOL has already achieved third-party certifications for its training centers in India and Europe and plans to expand its accreditation efforts to other locations.

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By providing high-quality training to seafarers, MOL is contributing to the development of individuals and communities.

The company is committed to fostering a culture of safety and excellence in maritime operations, ensuring that seafarers are equipped with the necessary skills to support the highest standards of safety worldwide.

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