Government satisfaction rating up 11 points

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THE majority of Filipinos are satisfied with the performance of the administration of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., giving it a “good” +40 net satisfaction rating in June, according to the latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey.

Conducted from June 23 to July 1, the survey showed that 62 percent of Filipinos were satisfied, 15 percent were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, and 22 percent were dissatisfied with the performance of the national government.

This yielded a net satisfaction rating of +40 (percentage of satisfied minus percentage of dissatisfied), which SWS classified as “good.”

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. Photo courtesy of PCO

SWS said this was an 11-point increase from the +29 rating in March 2024 but 12 points lower than the +52 rating in December 2023.

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It attributed the improvement in the administration’s net satisfaction rating from March to June 2024 to increases across all geographic areas.

The net satisfaction with the Marcos administration was highest in Metro Manila at +52 (excellent), followed by Balance Luzon at +48 (good), the Visayas at +32 (good), and Mindanao at +25 (moderate).

Out of 15 performance subjects assessed, the Marcos administration received “very good” ratings in three subjects, “good” in five, “moderate” in three, “neutral” in two, and “poor” in two, based on the SWS’ Governance Report Card.

The Marcos administration was very good in helping victims of disasters (+64), improving the quality of children’s education (+62), and helping the poor (+51).

Meanwhile, the government got good ratings on implementing housing programs for the poor (+47), developing science and technology (+46), creating policies that will generate job opportunities (+45), ensuring an efficient public transportation system (+38), and ensuring food security (+35).

It was moderate in preparing for problems being caused by climate change (+29), defending Philippine sovereignty in the West Philippine Sea (+22), and ensuring that no family will ever be hungry and have nothing to eat (+18).

However, the current administration got neutral ratings on fighting crimes that victimize ordinary citizens, like killings, holdups, robberies and physical violence, among others (-2) and ensuring that oil companies do not take advantage of oil prices (-3).

It received the lowest scores on eradicating graft and corruption in government (-10) and fighting inflation (-16), both classified as poor ratings.

The survey was conducted using face-to-face interviews with 1,500 adults nationwide, with 600 in Balance Luzon and 300 each in Metro Manila, the Visayas and Mindanao.

The sampling error margins are ±2.5 percent for national percentages, ±4 percent for Balance Luzon, and ±5.7 percent for Metro Manila, the Visayas and Mindanao. CATHERINE S. VALENTE

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